What To Expect When You Come For A Life Path Reading


Quite frankly,  I am a Feng-Shui Master with  varied skill-sets, ranging from Numerology, Bazi Elements, Face Reading, Classical Fengshui, Energy Fengshui as well as certain aspects of Psychology and NLP.

I must admit that I am not too particular about exactly what sort of skill-set I use on a particular life path reading and offering advice to my clients.

It could be a mixture of Numerology and Face Reading or all of the above. I don’t care which technique I use, as long as it works, serves its purpose and accurate. Check out a Numerology reading sample: Numerology Reading of Johnny Depp

I do consider myself an unconventional Metaphysician with the sole intention to adopt a secular style of practice that is relevant to clients of all Race and Religion. Ultimately, my goal is to help my clients who needs help.


So what do you need to prepare when you come in for a life path reading? Seriously!

  1. Your Date of Birth and Time of Birth (if you have it)
  2. Your Physical Self
  3. An Open Mind.

What Will Be Read?

There are a few areas of concern that will definitely be covered:

  1. Your Character and Personality
  2. Your Health and Physical Weaknesses, including Remedies.
  3. Your Career Choice
  4. What you will face in the current year, sometimes even the next year?
  5. What is lacking in your character trait that is slowing your path to Success?
  6. Direct Actions that can be taken immediately in your life to Create Massive Success.
  7. Life Code as a symbol to balance your Life.
  8. Other actionable task such as Feng-Shui.

Why do you need to adopt and Open Mindset?

Many times my reading actually discovered aspects of a person’s character that you do not realize that you encompass it. You may also be told of extreme information such as the possibility of getting cancer by the age of 50. Or the likelihood of a major downfall at a certain age, etc….

There are many who do not quite believe in what was presented and tend not to follow the advice to avoid the consequence. Hope you are not one of them though. The reason being that with my combined skill-set. The accuracy of my reading is well over 90 Percent accurate.

The actionable tasks and character modifications are expected to be gradual and consistent so that the Change is long lasting, doing the same practice of improving yourself over 21 days will create a positive habit that sticks with you.

Finally, I will assure you that by taking the recommended actions in your life, It works!! In fact it will work so well that you will not believe it at the end of the day. Only if you Take Action!


Call Me! if you are keen to know your Path to Success!

So that’s it, that is what you can Expect When You Come For A Life Path Reading. Find out more about me on http://www.maxliangfengshui.com